From Ashes To Grace I PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, Heal from trauma, Latter-Day Saint
Hey fellow daughters of God! Welcome to From Ashes To Grace. Do you want to move past PTSD triggers and improved relationships? Do you find yourself up late at night wishing for more connection, true friends, and heal from your adverse childhood experiences? Do you wake up with big ambitious goals only to feel sadness, anger, and stuck in negative thought patterns when you experience flashbacks and frequent overwhelm, only to avoid certain situations...again?
From Ashes To Grace I PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, Heal from trauma, Latter-Day Saint
Resilience: Bouncing Back Stronger After Healing From Trauma Followed By Interview With Bambi Lynn
Today we're diving into the power of resilience, what it is, and tools that we can learn to help us get through hard times, no matter what it is, including childhood adversity or trauma, as well as domestic violence. We'll explore how resilience is not just about surviving, but thriving with strength drawn from faith and community.
Following this discussion, you'll hear an interview I had with Bambi a while back. She really went through some earth shattering trials in her younger years that could have brought her to the ground. Instead, though, she's been able to triumph over those tragedies. She now has an amazing relationship with her Heavenly Father and has proven to be a light and forges ahead, sharing her story with the world.
In fact, she's not only an author, 81 podcasts since mid April. You won't want to miss her incredible story.
Contact/Follow Bambi:
Web https://www.healingthroughstories.com
FB https://www.facebook.com/bambi.lynn3
IG https://www.instagram.com/lynn.bambi
Email josephine.ourstory@gmail.com
Amazon https://www.amazon.com/stores/BAMBI-LYNN/author/B0CBLYK53H?ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_6&qid=1732005730&sr=8-6&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true
Kristy's Contact Info:
FB: www.facebook.com/groups/ldstraumahealing
IG: www.instagram.com/kristy_ross79
IN: www.linkedin.com/in/kristy-ross-260404177/
Web: www.embodiedgracecoaching.com