From Ashes To Grace I PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, Heal from trauma, Latter-Day Saint

Coping with Grief and Healing from Trauma in the New Year

Kristy Ross I Embodied Grace Coaching I Christian Entrepreneur, Trauma Recovery Coach Episode 31

Late Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I want to apologize for the sabbatical from the podcast I’ve had the past couple of weeks. The holidays, a new job, and life in general swept me off my feet briefly but I’m back! Today, we’re going to talk about New Year's resolutions, The 1 Percent Rule, and how these can relate to your journey down the path of healing from trauma and grief. I can’t wait for this episode!

As a side note, episodes are being moved to Thursdays to accommodate my new work schedule. The outro still says Tuesday but it will be Thursdays and I will work to get the outro corrected. Thank you for your patience. 

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